Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Wedding!

My sister's wedding was on April 18th. I know I am really behind but it has been just crazy!
Her wedding was beautiful and she was a stunning bride! Her and my new brother-in-law Eric, could not of had more perfect weather!
The ceremony was beautiful. Harper did a great job walking Mammy down the aisle... too bad Brady would not go. He just stayed in the back of the church with Josh.
The reception was a blast. Both of my kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves on the dance floor. Brady really liked the cookie table.
Here are some pictures of the day...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our First Shiner!

We had our first black eye and our first trip to the ER all in the same day. Last week Brady and Harper were playing outside running up and down our walkway and ran into each other. The top of Harper's head hit Brady in his upper right cheek. Within minutes his eye was swelling shut and he had a huge purple bump forming. Thank goodness my girlfriend was over and she helped with Harper and Brady and I were off to the ER. Josh met us there and they tried to do a cat-scan but Brady was so frightened he would not lay still long enough to do it so they ended up just doing a regular x-ray and thankfully it came back normal. Harper was fine, she didn't have a bump or scratch on her!
Day 1
Day 2

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My baby is 3!

I can not believe that Brady is 3 years old! Time is flying by. We had a nice party for him, my mom and sisters and nephew came to visit. Brady had a lot of fun opening his presents and eating cake! (well, all the kids enjoyed the cake)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bitter Sweet

Lunch in our house is always bittersweet.

Sweet, because the kids love to eat and are really good about eating all of their lunch. I just have to make sure they do not have a snack too close to lunch time.

Bitter, because both kids know it is nap time after lunch. Sometimes I think they eat all their lunch (dragging out the time) because they do not want to take a nap!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Miss Casey!

Brady got a Sally (Cars) pez dispenser as a Valentine's present. All weekend he wouldn't go anywhere or do anything without his "Miss Sally".

Today, I was putting him down for his nap and I gave him "Miss Sally" and he corrected me and said it was "Miss Casey". So now Sally is Casey!
To those of you not in Texas, Casey is my girlfriend from my mom's club.
Brady has his first Crush!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Princess Harper

I had my wedding headpiece out cleaning it for my sister. We have started a family tradition to wear the same headpiece. (only if you want to of course) And my younger sister is getting married in April. She will be the 3rd sister to wear it. As I was cleaning the crystals, every time I would put it down Harper would put it on her head. She looked so cute I kept calling her Princess Harper. Brady called her this all day!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our Fighting Days!

The kids received many new and cool toys over the holiday season. Since we have been home from Ohio, they fight over a toy every single day! Even their old toys, they will fight tooth and nail over who can play with what. I am constantly hearing "mine" coming from both their mouths. I end up putting whatever toy they are fighting over away so no one can play.
Today was no exception. Today they were fighting over Brady's tool belt with tools. When I went to break up the fight I could not help but laugh at what I saw...